Rhetorical Analysis Unit and Rhetorical Analysis Essay Writing in Middle School


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Teaching Rhetorical Analysis in middle school is finally broken down with this complete reading and essay writing unit. This unit includes 23 done-for-you lesson plans, reference pages, completed essays, speeches, and analysis reading response examples with explanations and teaching for students. Each lesson is quick and easy to set up and I have done ALL the work for you. You could even leave these lesson plans for subs.

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Here’s what you’ll get:
  • Rhetorical Analysis Unit: 23 Lesson Plans and Resources
  • 5+ different examples of rhetorical analysis reading responses differentiated by grade
  • 60+ exemplar display slides that break down annotations, persuasion techniques analysis, rhetorical devices analysis, responses, and essays.
  • 11 different speeches or essays with possible, SOAPSTone responses, reading responses, and rhetorical analysis responses.
  • 3 completed rhetorical analysis essay examples
  • Editable, digital, and differentiated rubrics for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Essays
  • Editable writing conference forms with differentiated standards checklists
  • Printable and digital literary analysis reference pages for students
Your students will actually learn how to read and analyze nonfiction texts for rhetorical and then write true rhetorical analysis responses.
The lessons build up in difficulty to eventually have students write a full-on comparative rhetorical analysis essay.
No more, “I don’t know what to write,” or “I don’t understand the assignment,” because I have created over 15 examples of rhetorical analysis responses, 3 different middle school rhetorical analysis essays, and every rhetorical analysis reference tool for students.
Each lesson is broken down step-by-step for teachers and each example is broken down with explanations for students.

Prep is quick and easy…
Just print the student pages, gather the materials listed, display my examples, teach the lesson, and you’re ready for middle schoolers who can critically read and annotate speeches and essays and then write true rhetorical analysis responses and essays.
The 23 lesson plans are:
  1. Summarizing vs. Analyzing
  2. Author’s Purpose.
  3. Rhetorical Appeals/Persuasion Techniques
  4. Rhetorical Devices in Advertisements
  5. Analyzing Famous Speeches for Rhetorical Appeals
  6. Rhetorical Devices
  7. Rhetorical Devices PowerPoint Activity and Practice
  8. Analyzing Famous Speeches for Rhetorical Devices
  9. Analyzing Rhetorical Appeals and Devices in Famous Speeches 1
  10. Rhetorical Analysis Response One
  11. Analyzing Rhetorical Appeals and Devices in Famous Speeches 2
  12. Rhetorical Analysis Response Two 
  13. Utilizing Counterclaims in Rhetorical Analysis
  14. Using analysis and evidence together seamlessly for body paragraphs focusing on two texts
  15. Comparative Rhetorical Analysis Planning: Choosing either deep or wide analysis + Thesis statements and Claims + Quick Essay Outlines
  16. Rhetorical  Analysis Comparative Essay Introductions
  17. Rhetorical Analysis Comparative Essay Body Paragraphs
  18. Rhetorical Analysis Comparative Essay Drafts and Linking Words Mini-Lesson
  19. Rhetorical Analysis Comparative Essay Drafts and Mini-Lesson
  20. Rhetorical Analysis Comparative Essay Conclusions
  21. Editing vs. Revising
  22. Publishing Final Drafts
  23. Writing Celebration!
The 12 rhetorical analysis reference pages are:
  1. Summarizing vs. Analyzing
  2. Elements of Rhetorical Analysis
  3. Author’s Purpose
  4. Annotating Nonfiction
  5. When Should I Annotate?
  6. Rhetorical Appeals
  7. Rhetorical Devices 1
  8. Rhetorical Devices 2
  9. Thesis Statements
  10. Linking Words in English
  11. Editing Vs. Revising
  12. MLA Formatting
The 11 speeches and essays are:
Sixth Grade
  1. President Ronald W. Reagan “Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger”(practice)
  2. Lou Gehrig “Farewell to Baseball” (practice)
  3. President  George W. Bush: “9/11 Address to the Nation” (essay)
  4. President Franklin D. Roosevelt “Pearl Harbor Address” (essay)
Seventh Grade
  1. President Barack Obama “Address to the Nation on Syria” (practice)
  2. Steve Jobs “Stanford Commencement Address”(practice)
  3. Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream” (essay)
  4. Malala Yousafzai’s speech at the United Nations (essay)
Eighth Grade
  1. President Barack Obama “Address to the Nation on Syria” (practice)
  2. President John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address practice)
  3. Martin Luther King Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (essay)
  4. Malcolm X “On African Self-Hatred”(essay)
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