This middle school Interactive notebook grammar lessons resource includes 43 different grammar lessons, activities, and examples for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Common Core Language standards.
Download the preview to see the table of contents along with examples of the lessons included.
- The Parts of Speech
- The Four Sentence Types; Clauses
- Benefits of the Four Types of Sentences
- The Other Four Types of Sentences
- Subjects and Predicates
- Types of Phrases
- Action, Helping, and Linking Verbs
- Active and Passive Verbs
- Verbs
- Verb Tenses
- Verb Moods
- Verbals (Gerunds, Infinitives, Participles)
- Common and Proper Nouns
- Proper Noun Rules
- Plural Noun Rules
- Concrete and Abstract Nouns
- Intensive and Vague Pronouns
- Proper Pronoun Case
- Types of Pronouns
- Seven Types of Adjectives
- Superlative and Comparative Adjectives
- Dangling Modifier Rules
- Express Ideas Precisely and Avoid Redundancy
- Subordinating and Coordinating Conjunctions
- Direct and Indirect Objects: Objects of the Preposition
- Direct and Indirect Objects: Objects of the Preposition
- Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
- Colon and Semi-Colons
- Quotation Mark Rules
- Punctuation Nonrestrictive Elements
- Punctuating and Capitalizing Titles
- Using Apostrophes in English
- Using Commas in English
- Using Numbers in English
- Common Prefixes and Their Meanings
- Using Word Clues to Determine Word Meanings
- Connotation and Denotation
- Common Homophones
- Author Tone and Style
- Commonly Confused Words
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Who and Whom Differences
- Figurative Language
- The Three Types of Irony
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