Literature Interactive Notebook Activities | Literary Elements Realistic Fiction


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Teaching literary devices and literature elements, discussion, and analysis through realistic fiction literature and literature interactive notebook lessons in middle school is finally broken down with this complete reading and analysis writing unit. This digital and print unit includes 18 done-for-you lesson plans, daily interactive notebook lessons, literature reference pages, 50 realistic fiction literature analysis reading response examples with explanations and teaching for students, and book club resources and tools.

Download a preview >>HERE<<. 
Each lesson is quick and easy to set up and I have done ALL the work for you. You could even leave these lesson plans for subs.

Here’s what you’ll get:
  • Realistic Fiction and Literature Unit: 18 Lesson Plans and Resources
  • Daily Lesson Plan pacing guides, prep breakdown, and mentor text information
  • 15 different daily lesson plan slide presentations to accompany each interactive notebook lesson.
  • Digital realistic fiction reading response student notebooks
  • Digital Google Slides version of student interactive notebook lessons
  • Editable and digital literature reading response grading rubrics
  • Book Club formation forms, resources, book suggestions, and more!
  • BONUS: Starbooks book tasting resource to form book clubs
  • 50+ different examples of reading responses differentiated by grade: Examples are labeled by text and not grade level so you can mix and match or choose your own texts.
  • Sixth- Ghost by Jason Reynolds
  • Seventh- Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
  • Eighth-The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Not only will your students be learning and applying knowledge of literature and literary devices through daily lesson slides and interactive notebook lessons, but they will also be immediately applying their learning by writing literature text analysis responses daily.
No more, “I don’t know what to write,” or “I don’t understand the assignment,” because I have created over 50 examples of dystopian literature analysis responses and every literary device analysis reference tool for students.
Each lesson is broken down step-by-step for teachers and each example is broken down with explanations for students.
Teach two-three grades of middle school ELA? All lesson plans have unique examples for each grade level by using a different mentor text for each:
  • Sixth- Ghost by Jason Reynolds
  • Seventh- Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
  • Eighth-The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Prep is quick and easy… Just print the student pages, gather the materials listed on the daily pacing and prep guide, display my examples, teach the lesson, and you’re ready for middle schoolers who can write true dystopian literature analysis responses.
This unit is jam-packed with 18 different literature lessons:
  1. Pre-Lesson 1: Starbooks Realistic Fiction Novel Selection/Book Club Selections
  2. Pre-Lesson 2: Hard and Fast Figurative Language and Literature Terms
  3. Lesson One: Realistic Fiction Novels Point of View Impact
  4. Lesson Two: Realistic Fiction Novels Setting Impact
  5. Lesson Three: Realistic Fiction Novels Analyzing Character Traits
  6. Lesson Four: Realistic Fiction Novels Direct and Indirect Characterization
  7. Lesson Five: Realistic Fiction Novels Analyzing Theme
  8. Lesson Six: Realistic Fiction Novels Literary Inferences
  9. Lesson Seven: Realistic Fiction Novels Literary Conflict
  10. Lesson Eight: Realistic Fiction Novels Point of View vs. Perspective
  11. Lesson Nine: Realistic Fiction Novels Literary Text Structures
  12. Lesson Ten: Realistic Fiction Novels Inspiration from the Past
  13. Lesson Eleven: Realistic Fiction Novels Elements of Plot
  14. Lesson Twelve: Realistic Fiction Novels Figurative Language Analysis
  15. Lesson Thirteen: Realistic Fiction Novels Theme Development
  16. Lesson Fourteen: Realistic Fiction Novels Central Idea and Objective Summary
  17. Lesson Fifteen: Realistic Fiction Novels Multimedia Versions Analysis
  18. Lesson Sixteen: Realistic Fiction Novels Narrative Point of View
Each Lesson Has the Following Sections
  1. CCSS Learning Standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th
  2. Learning Target for Lesson
  3. Guiding Questions for Reading Responses
  4. Interpretive Question for Book Club Discussions
  5. Vocabulary
  6. Teacher Preparation (though all my examples can be used)
  7. Literature Interactive Notebook Lesson and Examples/Answer Keys
  8. Learning Period: Lesson, Read Aloud, and Modeling
  9. Reading Response Break Down
  10. Reading Response Display Slides to show students an example for each lesson.
  11. Different Reading Response Example for each grade with Unique Mentor Texts.
  12. Graphic organizer reading response options for all lessons
  13. Book Club Assignment
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Christina B. says, “I am never disappointed by Martina Cahill! Her curriculums and activities have literally helped me develop my middle school ELA classroom in more ways than one. With that being said, this resource paired perfectly with her realistic fiction units for all 3 grades. LOVE LOVE LOVE!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brianna N. says, “I love how this unit mixes read aloud mentor novels with student independent reading or book clubs. It is the perfect combination of what I am looking to do in my classroom this year. Everything is organized into easy to follow daily lesson plans. Fantastic!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lucy M. says, “I haven’t used it entirely, but as a special education teacher, my plate is super full. This has helped me immensely so far. My students so far have really enjoyed using this resource! I teach SAI English for 7th and 8th grade and found a majority of it very digestible. Thanks so much!!”
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Copyright © The Hungry Teacher, LLC.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.