Create a Novel Study Unit in 15 Minutes

I know that it sounds impossible to create an entire novel study unit in just 15 minutes, but I am telling you, it’s totally doable.

Just a few days ago I was in your inbox telling you about the time my students bought answer keys for the basic assignment I had decided to use during class.

We all know I learned my lesson.

Moving forward I committed to using resources and questions that weren’t Google-able and ones that actually got my students thinking on a much deeper level.

This is more true than ever when it comes to creating a novel study unit, because I really want to teach my students and not just teach the novel.

At the end of the day, I think all teachers really want to teach their students reading, writing, thinking, and speaking skills that can be applied to infinity and beyond, as opposed to just the assignment that is in front of them.

Using Question Stems and more complex teaching can often feel… well… complex.

When, in actuality, these types of resources can make your life and teaching job way easier.

You can quite literally create an entire novel study or text-based unit by only using different question stems every day.

How to Create an Entire Novel Study Unit in Less Than 15 Minutes

1️⃣ Download and print the Literature Question Stems Guidebook, and head to the unit/novel study planner (it’s on page 15!)

2️⃣ Think of a novel you teach or have wanted to teach. If you don’t have access to it, simply Google how many pages it has.

3️⃣ Go to the unit planner on page 15 of the Literature Question Stems Guidebook and decide how many pages you want to read aloud each day. I recommend no more than three weeks on one text if you can!

4️⃣ Divide the pages in the book by 15 days and boom! You have your pacing now!.

5️⃣ Then pick a different standard to ask a question stem from each day and fill it in on the planner.

6️⃣ BOOM again! You’ve just created a novel study.

You can change up what you do each day and how you use those question stems. 

>> CLICK HERE << to download Literature Question Stems Guidebook and create your first unit right now.

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