House Arrest by K.A. Holt Novel Study Reading Unit for Middle School 6th 7th 8th


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Teaching literature through House Arrest by K.A. Holt will be engaging, thought-provoking, and thorough with this novel study. This House Arrest by K.A. Holt Middle School reading unit and novel study is exactly what you need to teach your sixth, seventh, or eighth grade middle school learners in an engaging Socratic Seminar, discussion-based, and reading response focused format with this realistic fiction verse book.

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This unit digs deep into EVERY SINGLE common core reading literature and main writing standard. These units were designed because I didn’t want to just “hit” the standards. I wanted to dig deep into every single standard multiple times throughout the year.
The backbone of these units is The Socratic Seminar, which pushes students to have discussions with their peers about the novels (by using the guiding and interpretive questions provided) while using text-based evidence and critical thinking.

Here’s what you’ll get:
  1. House Arrest 15 Lesson Reading Unit
  2. Teacher answer keys and vocabulary for all lessons.
  3. 16+ Reading Response Examples for teachers and students to reference.
  4. 8+ Literary Devices Mini-Anchor Charts or Student Reference Pages
  5. 15+ Reading Response Graphic Organizers
  6. 40+ page Implementation Teachers Guide: Socratic Seminar, Tips and Tricks, Pacing, Student Examples, FAQs, scripted lesson examples, etc.
  7. PowerPoint, JPEG, and PDF Display slides for all Guiding and Interpretive Questions
  8. Ready-to-Assign and done-for-you Digital Student Reading Response Notebooks
  9. Editable PowerPoint and Google SlidesReading Response Rubrics: Differentiated by grade level.
  10. Editable PowerPoint and Google Slides Literature Reading Response Rubrics: Differentiated by grade level.
  11. Small group and individual conference teacher forms
Students’ thinking and discussions build a strong foundation of understanding for their reading responses (which will blow you away because of how much they grow throughout the year). This unit teaches your students about every single sixth, seventh, and eighth grade CCSS literature standard in an engaging and though-provoking unit and all the work is done for you.
The 15 lesson plans are:
  1. Pre-Lesson: Socratic Seminar Norms
  2. House Arrest Day 1: Point of View
  3. House Arrest Day 2: Character Traits
  4. House Arrest Day 3: Theme
  5. House Arrest Day 4: Character Traits
  6. House Arrest Day 5: Figurative Language
  7. House Arrest Day 6: Author’s Purpose
  8. House Arrest Day 7: Author’s Purpose
  9. House Arrest Day 8: Text Structure Analysis
  10. House Arrest Day 9: Mood and Tone
  11. House Arrest Day 10: Mood and Tone Comparison
  12. House Arrest Day 11: Plot Impact on Purpose
  13. House Arrest Day 12: Mentor Text Poems
  14. House Arrest Day 13: Theme Development
  15. Bonus Lesson One: Comparing to Audio/Video Versions
  16. Bonus Lesson Two: Objective Summaries
I still do guided reading, book clubs, literature circles, and Daily 5 in my classroom, so I know this can work with any type of reading program that you already have in place.
In this unit, your students will get tons of support and conversations from their peers, will be exposed to literature and vocabulary at or above their grade level, and become part of a reading community. Yet it still gives you the flexibility to work with groups of students at their particular reading levels.

Prep is quick and easy…
Just review the guiding questions, print or display any reference materials, and you’re ready for an engaging and results producing class period! There is no fluff and no busy work in my reading units.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amy S. says, “OBSESSED!!!! I am teaching summer school and I’m normally a math teacher but I am also teaching them ELA. I found this and I honestly wish I taught ELA so I could buy the rest of the novel studies and do them! This is the way you should teach ELA. Easily able to teach all standards through reading notebook, vocabulary, discussion. Lesson plans are soooo thorough. I highly suggest all upper elementary ELA teachers look into your resources!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sarah V. says, “I really appreciate how this unit is organized and how thought provoking it has been. We are only a few days in and the students are loving the socratic seminar setup and I, being a newbie with this type of discussion setup, am enjoying all of the instructions and lack of busywork for students to just get done. I’ll be purchasing more for the novels that I teach!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Krista L. says, “Students are thrilled to be talking about the book instead of doing a ton of comprehension questions. My students’ writing improved because they are hyper focused on answering the discussion question and are actually using textual evidence to answer, because instead of 5-10 questions, they have one. The vocabulary and extra comprehension questions are very useful as well.

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