Ways to Teach Parts of Speech with Mentor Sentences for Middle School Grammar
Using mentor sentences for grammar instruction is one way to help your middle school learners understand the correct way to speak and write. Mentor sentences
Using mentor sentences for grammar instruction is one way to help your middle school learners understand the correct way to speak and write. Mentor sentences
Mentor texts are are an incredible way to teach writing and grammar in middle school. Use each of these mentor texts with the mentor sentences
Writing just might be the most difficult academic subject to teach. When done well, it looks completely effortless. You and I know different though. By
We have been working on writing our narrative essays in my seventh and eighth grade middle school ELA classes, and in the process, I have
I recently just finished my first set of Middle School Mentor Sentences to teach grammar. As I’ve started talking about and posting about Mentor Sentences, I’ve
My ELA scope and sequence guides break down every single middle school ELA standard and concept for reading, writing, and language in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Use the guides and resources exactly as is or as inspiration for you own!
I’m a Middle School ELA teacher committed to helping you improve your teaching & implement systems that help you get everything done during the school day!