Middle School Language and Grammar Reference Sheets for 6th 7th 8th


Pages: 16+
File Size: 7.71 MB


This middle school grammar and language resource is perfect if you need some quick sheets for students to reference when doing any grammar or language activities in your 6th, 7th, or 8th grade ELA classroom.

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The resource comes in 8 black and white pages and 8 color pages so you can choose what works for your classroom. I made 5 copies of each color page, laminated the, put them on a ring hook, and whole punched them in the corner. This makes it so each of my 5 classroom tables has their own set of reference cards when are doing our mentor sentences, grammar lessons, or reviewing.
This resource has definitions and examples of the following terms:
  1. Simple sentence
  2. Compound Sentence
  3. Complex Sentence
  4. Compound-Complex Sentence
  5. Declarative Sentence
  6. Imperative Sentence
  7. Interrogative Sentence
  8. Exclamatory Sentence
  9. Noun
  10. Pronoun
  11. Verb
  12. Helping Verb
  13. Linking Verb
  14. Adverb
  15. Adjective
  16. Subject
  17. Predicate
  18. Preposition
  19. Conjunction
  20. Subordinate Conjunction
  21. Coordinating Conjunction
  22. Interjection
  23. Article
  24. Clause
  25. Subordinate (Dependent Clause)
  26. Independent Clause
  27. Coordinating Conjunction
  28. Misplaced Modifier
  29. Nuances
  30. Period
  31. Comma
  32. Exclamation Point
  33. Parentheses
  34. Quotation Mark
  35. Colon
  36. Semi-Colon
  37. Apostrophe
  38. Ellipses
  39. Dash
  40. Hyphen
  41. Simel Metaphor
  42. Hyperbole
  43. Alliteration
  44. Onomatopoeia
  45. Personification
  46. Idioms
  47. Allusion Adage
  48. Homophones
  49. Homonyms
  50. Homographs
  51. Synonyms
  52. Antonyms
  53. Denotation
  54. Connotation
  55. Indicative Mood Verb
  56. Imperative Mood Verb
  57. Interrogative Mood Verb
  58. Conditional Mood Verb
  59. Subjunctive Mood Verb
  60. Gerund Verbal
  61. Participle Verbal
  62. Infinitive Verbal



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