Poetry Stations for Middle School ELA Print and Digital | Figurative Language


Pages: 60+

File size: 83.94MB



Make reviewing and learning poetry terms and component fun with these middle school ELA poetry stations! This set includes 8 low-prep and 100% digital poetry stations perfect for exploring a variety of poems, poetry terms, verse novels, and types of poems. Quick and easy setup plus clear student directions make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days!

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Lead your students to discover concepts of poetry probability by exploring it on their own before teaching poetry or after you have done a poetry unit and want to review it. Students will love exploring poetry concepts through these fun activities and won’t realize how much they’re learning or reviewing!

Here’s what’s included:
  • 8 poetry activities perfect for centers or stations
  • Station signs 
  • Station instructions for students
  • Station Reference Materials when applicable 
  • Student response sheets
  • Student response booklets
  • Answer keys
Your students will love reviewing and learning and applying their learning about poetry types, poetry terms, and verse novels with a variety of middle school ELA poetry stations. They’ll be engaged in each poetry station and discussing the concepts with their classmates. 
These poetry activities and stations are 100% done and prepped for you. Decide if you’ll do full color or black and white and then print your station materials. Each station is color-coded for easy organization. After you print, I recommend laminating each station and you can use them year after year. 
Prep is quick and easy… Just print the student pages, set up your stations, and you’re ready for a fun and engaging class!
The 8 included stations are:
  1. Figurative Language in Songs
  2. Poetry Annotation
  3. Poetry Analysis
  4. Types of Poetry
  5. Poetry Terms
  6. Verse Novel Tasting
  7. Rewriting Famous Poems
  8. Black-Out Poetry 
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Copyright © Martina Cahill-The Hungry Teacher
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
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